One Man Vs Snow Queen Vodka Cocktails – Invinic - Luxury Wines
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One Man Vs Snow Queen Vodka Cocktails
Snow Queen Vodka is clean and classy. To appreciate that, you need to buy some truly awful vodka from a budget chain of shops, and by comparison, five times distilled, organic Snow Queen Vodka will feel as pure as Siberian snowflakes wafting in on an Arctic breeze. Being so refined, it’s also great for making cocktails. So one day, I set about seeing how a few classic cocktails would taste with Snow Queen Vodka as the base spirit. A Snow Queen Vodka Bottle

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My Day Drinking Snow Queen Vodka Cocktails:

12.01 p.m. Screwdriver: It wouldn’t do to drink before noon. It just wouldn’t do at all, as that sort of thing is frowned upon, you know, but one minute after noon is entirely respectable. I kicked the session off with a Screwdriver. It’s simple enough to make:
  • One part Snow Queen Vodka;
  • Two parts orange juice;
  • Slice of orange to garnish;
  • Twist orange peel over the glass to release some essential oils.
You just plop the ice into the glass. Then add the ingredients one by one, and stir. The result is actually rather yummy, with the vodka bringing out bitter elements from the oranges in a pleasant way for a confirmed sugar lover. The ice does a good job of stopping the vodka from becoming too bitter. That’s because cold temperatures kill off your ability to taste things, leaving only a satisfying warm glow from slurping down the Screwdriver. This stuff’s 40% you know.   13.10 pm Mars Attacks: After a Screwdriver, this cocktail seemed like a good idea. Note to self: never make important decisions while drinking. I read about it in a dusty old cocktail book I bought online, and as it is incredibly easy to make, I just had to give it a go. You’ll need:
  • A Mars bar;
  • One measure Snow Queen Vodka;
  • And a Microwave.
Chop up the Mars bar into tiny slivers. Put those little pieces of deliciousness into a microwaveable dish, and slosh over it a measure of Snow Queen Vodka. Microwave it for 30 seconds. Thoroughly stir it all together, so it’s no longer...gloopy...and leave it to cool down. The verdict: not altogether bad. The vodka is strong alcohol, and so has a mighty hint of eucalyptus about it - which is the defining flavour of high alcohol. Yet the taste of sweet, creamy, melted chocolate overtakes that after a few seconds. It won’t win any awards, but on reflection, it is actually rather fun.   14.03 Shrouded Martini: After plumbing the depths with the last cocktail, I took things up a notch, and tried one of the cocktails which Snow Queen Vodka’s website actually recommends. To make this, you’ll need:
  • 6 Nocellara Olives, muddled (although I just used green, mid strength olives from a jar, as my local supermarket isn’t classy enough for Nocellara Olives);
  • 70 ml of Snow Queen Vodka;
  • 5 ml of Dry Vermouth;
  • 5 ml of freshly squeezed organic lemon juice. (If you use non-organic lemon juice, I won’t tell anyone. Between you and me, I didn’t either).
I had to sit down to drink this one. Of course, by now, standing up wasn’t much of an option, but this is a serious drink indeed. And a tasty one. It has some of the zestiness of a vodka sour, but with less lemon juice, your tongue won’t feel like you’ve licked a hydrochloric lollypop. The olives add a pleasing savouriness to the drink too, and the vermouth gives some interesting herby notes, like I’ve had my martini seasoned in an Italian restaurant.  

More Cocktails!

Drinking these cocktails is not an approved way of getting your ‘5 a day’ of fruit and vegetables. However if you like the sound of these cocktails, you may want to read ‘Europe through its Cocktails’.  

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